What We're Developing

How Our Oral mRNA Vaccines Work
Turning Yeast Cells Into Vaccine Factories
We’ve modified the cell wall of yeast cells to keep it intact but make it permeable.

The cells are then encoded with the gene for a vaccine antigen, enabling the cells to continuously secrete mRNA.
Tapping Into 70% of the Immune System

The yeast is then given orally via a capsule which dissolves after it passes the stomach.
Once in the intestines, the yeast continues to secrete mRNA for up to 12 hours.

How Our Vaccines Are Manufactured

COVID-19 Oral mRNA Vaccine
Based on our Egress oral biologics platform, CoV-2 targets COVID-19 viruses. It delivers genetic instructions by mRNA technology to prompt the immune system to fight specific virus strains. Our technology can be adapted quickly to tackle new strains as they emerge.

Advantages of Egress
Our Egress platform provides painless oral delivery of biologics, offers rapid development and production for new biologic treatments, can be manufactured globally at a lower cost, and avoids medical waste created by injection-based treatments.

Other Products/Technology
At Esperovax, we are actively exploring other applications of our Egress oral biologics platform for human and animal health. The technology can revolutionize biologic treatments across a wide array of diseases.