In-Situ, Virus-Like Particle (VLP) Delivery
Esperovax has developed a proprietary platform using bioengineered probiotic yeast to deliver continuous, highly-concentrated vaccine antigens to the gut. These antigens take the form of enveloped virus-like particles (eVLPs) directed to the lymphoid tissue (or Peyer's patches) of the gut mucosa, inducing strong immune protection.

EVLP, RVLP, or self-amplifying AVLPs
Our oral vaccines and therapies can deliver proteins or RNA captured inside virus-like particles. The RNA can be mRNA (known as RVLP) or self-amplifying RNA (AVLP).

Our vaccine candidates can be produced in less than 2 weeks and billions of doses can be manufactured in months.

Our vaccines don't require costly purification and cold storage so each dose can be produced inexpensively.

We use common baker's yeast, something that people eat and drink every day. With a modest change, we have transformed it into a lifesaving, edible biotherapeutic.